
ÖL 4.2%
Skapades 2008-09-30 av iglaset
0 0 0.0
Ljus lager
Senaste betygen
Kelt 10% - a novelty in our portfolio, the pride of our brewers in Hurbanovo, that first appeared on the Slovak market in the beginning of March 2007. Since its introduction on the market, the popularity of Kelt 10% has been spreading around all of Slovakia with lightning speed. Its slightly bitterish taste ideally tickles the experienced Slovak beerlovers’ taste buds, who can appreciate the hard work, time and quality ingredients required for the preparation of this honest beer.

Therefore, this beer is their reward and refreshment after a hard day at work. Besides the bottle packaging in shops, Kelt 10% on draught from kegs is also successfully seeking to fit in the Slovak catering businesses. Since the beginning of 2008, consumers may also enjoy Kelt from the 1.5 litre bottle together with their friends.