Brooklyn Hand & Seal

ÖL 13.3%
Skapades av Bayern
2 3 0.0
Senaste betygen
2016-06-10 8
2015-08-28 6
2015-04-05 8
In the 20th season of his reign, the year Anno Brooklynius 26, our Brewmaster brought forth a new wonderment for the People. Barleywine-style ale, once the exclusive drink of British nobility, would be produced anew in Brooklyn. Linking together their twin brewhouses, the Brooklyn brewing team toiled a great many hours to create the most robust beer they had ever produced. Then it was set to rest for months in casks of Bourbon oak, and finally refermented in the bottle. The result is one of the richest, tastiest beers to ever emerge from our brewery. The deep flavors of floor-malted Maris Otter barley shine through layers of vanilla, coconut, toast and floral notes given by aging in Four Roses bourbon wood. Hand & Seal is complex without being perfumey, subtly sweet without becoming cloying. Its naturally gentle carbonation suits a contemplative drink. The size of the bottle connotes a spirit of generosity, for it is an ale to be shared with friends and family. At dinner, you will find it a fine partner to pates, game meats and sausages and a wonderful accompaniment to cheese. And if your evening should involve much laughter around a fireplace, all the better. Hand & Seal is ready to enjoy now, yet good things shall also come to those who cellar it. Hereupon witness our Hand and our Seal, both of them demonstrations of our promise that this fine ale shall be worthy of your table and all the brilliant times you bring to it. So say we all.
Volym Pris Artikelnummer Sortiment
750 ml 149 Kr 1194101 Beställning
2016-06-10 8

2015-08-28 6

2015-04-05 8

mycket söt, en stor del fruktighet. inte alls syrlig vilket jag inte tycker att BW ska vara, väl dold alkohol tack vare sötman. inte så bra. hade gärna tagit mer humle.
Mörkt brun och disig med ett ganska lätt skum. Doftar torkad frukt och en aaaning syrligt. Smakar sött och av frukt, en aning fat och kokos också. Alkoholen värmer bra på slutet. Ölen höll en temp på ca 10 grader i början, allteftersom den närmar sig rumstemp så gör sig fatkaraktären sig mer påmind och alkoholen känns tydligare. I övrigt så håller den sig stabil. Bra öl, ska bli spännande och se hur flaska två är efter lagring.