Linlithgow 26 Years - 1982

SPRIT 63.7%
Skapades 2009-07-25 av iglaset
0 0 0.0
Single Malt
Senaste betygen
Kategori: Single Malt Whisky
Brand: Single Malts of Scotland
Region: Lowland, Scotland
Ålder: 26 år
Destillerad: 1982-10-06
Buteljerad: 2008-10-07
Alkoholhalt: 63.7%

N: A very accessible nose despite the massive strength. Almost immediately, fresh grass, apple blossom, honeyed porridge, oatmeal cookies - remarkably fresh for its age. After a while the oak appears but always remains polite and balanced. Delightful.
P: At full strength (careful!) the oak is more noticeable, but the lighter honeyed, fruity touches fight their way through the big, mouth-watering alcohol. Pleasant, but clearly water is advised. After a glass of water for me and a few drops for the dram, I've taken it down to (guesstimate) high 40s abv: the oats are more assertive on the nose now. Palate is much more tempered and sweeter, with some lovely natural caramel and barley sugar.
F: The oak is getting slightly dusty, as these older malts frequently will. Somehow it realy suits the other flavours of this dram.
C: I enjoyed this a lot and Sukhinder is raving about it. This is, for me, a big step up from our previous Linlithgow, which was very well-received, and is without a doubt my favourite of the bottlings we've done so far from this distillery.
- Speciality Drinks

Information Systembolaget
Artikelnummer: 86949 - BS
Pris: 1669.00
Producent: Speciality Drinks Ltd
Information: Den nästan legendariske whiskysamlaren Suhkinder Singh är välkänd för många, speciellt genom sin butik The Whisky Exchange. Suhkinder har lyckats väl med sina samlingar och sin butik, så pass bra att han öppnat ytterligare en i Londons kända Vinopolis, ett dryckes tempel i södra London.
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Volym Pris Artikelnummer Sortiment
700 ml 1669 Kr 8694901 Beställning
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