Saint Somewhere Lectio Divina

ÖL 8%
Skapades 2010-06-08 av Casa
0 1 0.0
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2010-06-07 7
Lectio Divina. Divine Reading.

You read a particular passage that touches you. You pause. You read the passage again and pause to reflect on what it is that intrigues you. You taste and chew the passage until you have reduced it to its essence. It's divine reading.

Lectio Divina is brewed in the spirit of the abbey ales of Belgium. Brewed with the same care and attention to the Art of Brewing that is practiced at the monastic breweries of Belgium.

Pour slowly into a wide mouth, stemmed goblet.

Take a sip. Pause. Reflect on the flavor.

The aroma. Dark and lightly dry with a complex fruity aroma. Enjoy this ale as you would a port or a fine single malt scotch. Have a divine experience!
2010-06-07 7
